Converging technology solves the nightmare behind preparing complex bids and proposals

Released on = February 21, 2006, 2:02 am

Press Release Author = Mindsystems Pty Ltd

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = Mindsystems Pty Ltd announced today a collaboration solution
to the almost impossible task of getting multiple input to complex bids and

Press Release Body = Mindsystems Pty Ltd announced today a collaboration solution to
the almost impossible task of getting multiple input to complex bids and proposals.

Modern organisations face many challenges when working on complex bids, proposals
and policy documents.

The main roadblocks are:

� Individuals don\'t always have the information needed at their finger tips
� The difficulty of getting the right people together at the right time
� The difficulty in collecting ideas, assembling data and gain team \"sign-off\"
approval rapidly, to create a final document

Sophisticated convergent technology helps to some extent. For example it is now easy
to ensure each person gets messages in the form they prefer . voice, email, SMS, fax
etc. Video conferencing and webinars can be used. However this does not solve the
problem of complex document preparation and getting subsequent approvals for diverse
source, often separated by large distances.

When announcing the Mindsystems Collaborative Communicator, John England, founder
and director of Mindsystems, said:

"The Collaborative Communicator is an affordable, yet sophisticated answer to
collaboration, document handling and creative collaboration. It will revolutionize
the way individuals and companies handle complex issues. It is the missing link in
information convergence"

"The key to the Collaborator is a unique piece of software: KnowledgeLinkT Pro. Used
in its simplest format it is an outstanding \'outliner\' which can synchronise its
data with other software such as Mindjet\'s market leading \'MindManager\'.

Add the \'Collaboration Client\' and KnowledgeLinkT Pro connects you with your team
and your information in a unique manner."

With the KLP server (Public or private company server) you are instantly connected
with not only your own data but the input of anyone to whom you give access.

Several people can collaboratively edit the same document, working on their own
paragraphs, brainstorms or graphics.

This can be done as an individual or as part of a real time collaboration . in fact
an it has been described as a (online) \'meeting on steroids\'. Some of the many uses
of KLP Collaborator include:

� Developing marketing and sales plans online, in a fully interactive manner
� Handling Complex Bid procedures
� Undertaking project requirements gathering
� Developing corporate and government policy documents
� Running opinion surveys
� Running interactive meetings and brainstorming sessions
� Just keeping in touch with your own database!
� Keeping you office fully informed.

Over the next six months further exciting developments are planned. These include:

� Full project management including Gantt charting, resources control, cost control
. all fully synchronized
� An online task control and ticketing system
� A company messaging board

Telecommunications companies, the finance industry and government are already
showing detailed interest in the Collaborative Communicator.

As an executive in one such organisation said upon demonstration:

\'This is the missing convergence link we have been searching for\'

The Collaborative server is in final beta stage and will be available very, very soon.

For further information please contact:

Mindsystems on: 1300 738 602 (within Australia) or +61 3 9770 2555 (international)

Direct Contact: +61 3 9787 6137

Web Site =

Contact Details = John||PO Box 829||Mt Eliza ,

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